Key Concept of Statistics - Methods of data collection


·         Methods of data collection:

The purpose of data collection is to get useful insights and findings. Data to be collected by keeping the research goals, target audience and nature of data in mind. There are a lot of data collection methods based on the type of data you want to deal with. Data can be collected on various topics and from multiple resources.

Here are some most common and useful methods of data collection.

Surveys and Questionnaires:

It is the easiest and most efficient way of collecting data. Surveys involve collecting data from a sample of individuals or groups through structured or semi-structured questionnaires. It can be done in person, through phone, email etc.


In-depth interviews involve direct interaction between the researcher and the participant. This method allows for detailed exploration of responses and is often used in qualitative research. It may include face to face or telephonic interviews where personal interaction is essential.

Existing Records and Documents:

Data can be collected from pre-existing records, documents, or databases. This method is useful when historical or archival data are relevant to the research question.


Conducting experiment is another great way of collecting data where you can control and manipulate various effects to get the in depth or detailed information. It is most common method in scientific research.

There are several different methods of data collection which includes social media, web data mining, case studies, focus groups and so on. You may use more than one method for better results and accuracy of your research.


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